
Monday, March 4, 2013

Beauty In Motion

   Since i seen the photo shoot themed " Beauty In Motion" of Asia's Next Top Model in Tv. I was really excited and inspired to do the same thing. I have no other choice model except my cousin who lives really near to me. and i ask her to check if she has some pretty clothes to wear. and we found very simple black dress which is just gave by our Aunt.
   And i thinking so hard to make that simply dress look pretty. So on, i checked stuff ( accessories ) i've made and i found beads necklace and a pair of earrings with same beads. then as soon we take some photos. Actually my cousin wasn't really enjoy the photo shoot because she got a cold that time. but after i show her some good shot. she finally happy and enjoying it.
   This is what other things i like to do, taking some expression in the pictures. I don't mind if people say that the model not pretty enough or anything. For me this is the happiest things to do. dressing someone then direct them to do some nice poses. And if you guys have the same passion like me. Just do it! check the stuffs you had then mix and match them. Take a camera then do some poses. One thing i'd like to say "Don't be doubt to try any exotic poses. just don't always expecting the pretty face. being crazy a little bit on Camera and let see what you got!"
check out the pictures! and lets whip our hair!

Rahgutama Agatha

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